Friday, August 25, 2006

The story of a stolen home

Charley was the boyhood of the area, living on people resources and taking from there money for his own profit he became so powerful to take over most of the people houses.
He came to Aro’s home and took it over as he did with most homes of the area claiming that he will live at Aro's home to protect Aro against risks of other intruders.

Belf was one of Charley’s children he gave David a promise to give him Aro’s home to live in, as David was homeless and Charley needed David to spy on people in the neighborhood and to help him in his fights.

One day and after a big fight of charley and his men with Hitor, David claims that Hitor –Charley’s enemy- during the fight harmed him and beaten him so hard, Charley said that he will fulfill his promise to David for fighting with Charlie’s men, David took Aro’s home to live in.
David started to hit Aro’s home doors, he finally got in with Charley’s help, inside he killed three of Aro’s five children and he shoot Aro in his shoulder, he kept injured Aro, his wife and his two children in separate corners at home.
At last he called the place David’s house, most of the neighbors did not recognize Aro's home as David’s house but they still call it Aro’s home.

Next morning the neighborhood woke up on the sound of walls collapsed, it was David as usual, he collapsed a wall between him and his neighbor Ego he took over a room from Ego’s place, at the same time another wall was collapsed between him and the other neighbor Sery and he took a room from Sery’s place.

Now Sam is in the picture more powerful then ever before specially after Hitor fight, he killed an enormous number of Japo’s –Hitor allies- children he was one of Charley’s men but know he is working on his own, he is more like Charley’s partner now.
For the joined benefits Sam and Charley started to support David more than ever before, by giving him weapons and reinforcements from there men, he became the most powerful among the people in the neighborhood.

David is more tough and bloody now every time he see Aro, Ego or Sery recovering from there injuries he shoot them again, specially Aro as he is kept in his home's corner and David want to throw him out while Aro is fighting for his corner.

In a morning Ego by surprise took David, he dig the wall build by David got into the room stolen from him and started to fight for his rights.
Some of his neighbors stood by him, he finally got into the room, David knew he will not stand against Ego in this fight he asked backup from Charlie and Sam, they tried to push men and arms to the fight but Ego will not retreat this time, he will take his right or die.

Ego in the middle of the fight asked David to stop the fight and start talking they negotiate the retreat of Davit from Ego room and now Ego again has his room back.

But David refuse to leave Aro’s home he killed another child but Aro’s wife had just get to the corner of Aro and had delivered new twins to fight David for there rights.

David is not leaving home or Sery’s room, Aro and his children will never stop fighting for home, Sam and Charlie are the beneficiary of this fight they spy by David on all the area and they keep there men with David to reinforce any fight for there interests.

Charlie have to find a solution same as he created the problem why doesn’t he give David a part of his home to live into and return Aro’s home.


Who the bad guys and who the good guys in this story are?

David, Charlie, Belf, Sam, Hitor, Japo, Aro, Sery, Ego

Do you know who those people are?

David : Jewish
Charlie : England
Belf : Belford
Sam : United states of America
Hitor : Germany in the world war II
Japo : Japan
Aro : Palestine
Sery : Syria
Ego : Egypt
Aro, Sery and Ego Neighbors: Arabs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The story is very TRUE, although a small comment to be more precise.

I'd have replaced David with Zino, as to blame the Zionists rather than all the Jews, as Muslims are told that there are good people between people-of-the-book.